Toilet Training
Toilet training: signs that children are ready You might see signs that your child is ready for toilet training from about 2 years on. Some children show signs of being ready as early as 18 months,…
Toilet training: signs that children are ready You might see signs that your child is ready for toilet training from about 2 years on. Some children show signs of being ready as early as 18 months,…
What is viral gastroenteritis? Viral gastroenteritis (gastro) is a common infection of the stomach and intestines that causes vomiting and diarrhoea. Gastro can be caused by many different viruses. Examples of viruses that cause gastro…
Speech and Language Development The first five years of a child’s life are crucial as they develop at such a fast rate, however, at times children may be delayed in some developmental areas such as,…
What this means for families Children in community and mobile preschools Fee relief will continue into 2024. Families may save up to $4,220 a year for eligible 3-5 year old children in eligible community and…
How Do Allergies Happen? If a child with an allergy is exposed to that allergen, their immune system mistakenly believes it’s harming their body. It overreacts, treating the substance as an invader and trying to…
Read MoreSupporting Children with allergies in Early Childhood Centres....
Child car seats Whenever children are in a car, they must be safely buckled up in child car seats that are correct for each child’s age and size. The Child Restraint Evaluation Program has independent…